There are various ways that you can help to support the mission of Le Pont / Bridging. In all of the cases below, donations can always be made in memory or honour of someone special.
Whatever method you choose, be sure to give us your contact information, including your email address (it keeps our postage costs down) so that we can provide a receipt for income tax purposes and thank you appropriately.
Please tell us if you wish to remain anonymous.
Thank you!
Our charitable registration number is: 81743 4038 RR0001
Donations of non-perishable food items can be left in the box at the entrance to the IGA in Hudson.
To arrange to have food items picked up please call: 450-458-5318.
Donations can be made online. Click HERE to donate now.
Zeffy’s 100% free platform for nonprofits allows us to fundraise at no cost. They are entirely funded by voluntary contributions and an amount will be suggested to you before you complete your payment. You can always change the amount to one of your choice by selecting “Other” in the dropdown menu.
To make a cash donation, please call: 450-458-5318.
Cheques can be made out to “Le Pont / Bridging” with your home and email addresses, and mailed to:
Le Pont / Bridging
P.O. Box 302
Hudson, QC J0P 1H0
Donations can also be made through CanadaHelps which gives you the option of setting up recurring monthly donations.
IGA Famille DEZIEL, Hudson
Hudson War Memorial Library
Town of Hudson
The Creative Studio by VeeVee