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Meeting the needs of our neighbours when they experience food insecurity.


Le Pont / Bridging Food bank is there for you!

If you live in the Hudson area and find yourself in a temporary difficult financial situation, please call 450-458-5318.

Hudson, Qc

How can I help?


We accept both food and monetary contributions!

Fundraising Events

Would you or your organization like to host an event in support of Le Pont / Bridging?

About us

Le Pont / Bridging serves on average 40 families per month in the Hudson and surrounding communities.


To respond in an equitable way to the temporary and longer-term food insecurity of residents in need in Hudson and surrounding communities.


To ensure that all Hudson residents in need and those in surrounding communities can to thrive without having to live with the threat of food insecurity.



  • We all deserve secure access to food.
  • We treat all with dignity, respect and without discrimination.
  • We listen, learn about, show empathy toward, and are dedicated to responding to our clients’ needs as much as possible. 
  • We respect our clients’ privacy and need for confidentiality at all times. 
  • We are grateful to our donors whom we thank and recognize, as appropriate, in accordance with the established Code of Ethical Standards for fundraising.

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